David Van Wagenen
Hello, my name is David Van Wagenen. I am a photographer, mechanical engineer, and husband and father to 5 children. As a child, my first lessons in creating beautiful art came from my mother, a landscape oil painter and instructor. I painted with her and loved her enthusiasm for creating beauty and sharing it with friends. My home is filled with her paintings. Using that foundation, I fell in love with the process of creating a photograph. Sometimes that includes backpacking to remote locations, snowshoeing in the dark, or patiently waiting for the perfect light. I am often with my wife and we enjoy the time together outdoors.
My primary camera is the 61 megapixel Sony A74IV and I also use a Sony a6300 as my backup and lightweight/backpacking camera. I love these tools, they are beautiful pieces of engineering and I get excited just holding them in my hand.
Many times I think of Ansel Adams when he said, “Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter.”
I’ve noticed that the more I seek beautiful things, the more I see and cherish the details. Albert Einstein said, “The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” Thank you for letting me share what I find beautiful, I hope it enhances your life as it has mine.